Dear Life...

Dear Life,

You almost had me there for a minute. Almost.

Things have definitely been challenging these last few weeks (or rather, MORE challenging). Take acclimating to being a single mom, all that fun divorce stuff, and a house that won’t sell, add in an accident that totaled my car, a vomiting child, and a raging migraine all within a 24-hour time span and you left me feeling pretty damned defeated. I’ll admit, I did an awful lot of crying.

You really truly did almost have me there. For a while I was caught up in myself, letting things pull me down into the depths of despair. You left me feeling vulnerable, afraid, unsure of myself and what to do, wondering if I really could handle it all. But my family and friends were there to support me. They were there, rallying around me, reminding me of the things I had so quickly forgotten- that I’m not the kind of girl who gives in to self-pity. I’m not the kind of girl who lets life stand in my way- if I can’t do something one way, I’ll just find another. I’m not the girl who gives up when the going gets tough. I never ever have been. I’m stubborn and I take pride in my ability to persevere, no matter what life throws my way- and believe me, it’s thrown me some serious stuff. But as my best friend reminded me earlier this week, “You always come through all of the shit that is thrown at you with a shovel in your hands and a smile on your face.” And that’s what I’d almost forgotten. That I can do this, because I’ve ALWAYS done this.

Nothing ever seems to have come my way easily. That’s not a complaint- though I will admit to complaining plenty at the time! Rather, it’s a good thing, because it means I’ve had to bust my ass for everything I have. And while to some that might not seem to be a good thing, I know deep down that it is my struggles that have made me strong. It’s all the stuff I’ve had to endure, had to work for, had to suffer through, which have made me able to handle things now when life’s even tougher. And it’s the fact that no matter what, I’ve always made it through with a smart-ass attitude and a smile on my face. Always.

Yep, world, you almost had me. I almost forgot who I was. But now that I remember, watch out, because I’m not taking your shit anymore- at least not without my smile and my shovel.

Love and kisses,



Ruth September 23, 2010 at 2:19 PM  

Love that "with a shovel and a smile," that's great!! I've definitely come to realize that the quote should really be, "when it rains, it doesn't pour, it shits bricks!!" I do hope that things are looking up for you. It sounds like you are very blessed with friends and family that are there for you always.

I am...

I am every woman; every mother. No different from the others, except that at times I can be brutally honest. On one hand I love to see the best in everyone. But on the other, I prefer not to overlook the reality of the situation. I like to keep the peace, but I don't like to sugar coat it. What is, is. What will be, will be. I believe in truth and its ability to empower. This is my life- simple, nothing special, but everything real, as life should be.