Inquiring Mind...

I go back and forth between what I want to put in my blog. Should I just stick to the cheery, upbeat, funny stuff or tell it how it really is? I find myself writing entries, only to never publish them because I care far too much about what the world thinks of me. It’s funny, because really the only people who read this thing are my family and a select group of friends and I should know they won’t judge… but still…

And so I am curious. Should I stick to the little stuff or simply throw it all out there, opinions be damned? Should I let you see my vulnerable side (that’s a tough one for me) or just continue to show the smart-assed, strong woman side? If you know the train wreck that is my life, see that I am not that strong, know that it’s not that easy, will you think differently of me?

Post here. Message me. Email me. Let me know. I am curious.


kim September 20, 2010 at 9:04 AM  

lol...whatever floats your boat.

I go back and forth too.

You could have separate thats all cheery and one that is reality...or not.

Kylee September 20, 2010 at 10:36 AM  

I enjoy reading honest posts. Really, it's annoying to me when every single post on someone's blog is cheery and upbeat. Am I weird? Possibly. LOL

Ruth September 20, 2010 at 1:08 PM  

I finally figured how to comment on your blog!!!! Sorry but that was so frustrating. I only read blogs of people I care about so honesty is great, however, I totally get not wanting to. I'm not 100% honest on mine, because I have a lot of "old" friends and family that I could potentially irritate. We float along different religious beliefs and with a bunch of people, that is something they get pissy about. So really, I think it's up to you. You know who reads your blog, will they care?? It's hard to balance being true to yourself and not pissing off people (however, I really need to learn that if they were really my friends, they would take me as I am and NOT get all pissy, but that's something that's really hard for me.) Good luck.

Stacy September 23, 2010 at 2:09 PM  

Yeah, Ruth, I don't know why this particular blog skin makes it so hard to find the comment section!!! I love the look but that part really irritates me!

I've decided honesty is good, but with moderation- which is pretty much how I've always lived my life. So no shiny-happy blog, but I won't be a total downer either. Really, more because after sleeping on it, I know that I'm just too guarded with my private life to divulge that much.

I am...

I am every woman; every mother. No different from the others, except that at times I can be brutally honest. On one hand I love to see the best in everyone. But on the other, I prefer not to overlook the reality of the situation. I like to keep the peace, but I don't like to sugar coat it. What is, is. What will be, will be. I believe in truth and its ability to empower. This is my life- simple, nothing special, but everything real, as life should be.