It's Been A While

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. Of this I am well aware. I’m still just trying to find a balance between working full time and doing the single mom thing, dealing with legal stuff from the divorce and the house, taking on too much as always and still trying to live life to the fullest without killing myself off, LOL. I promise to be back on soon. Life is slowly getting better. Thanks for staying tuned.


I am...

I am every woman; every mother. No different from the others, except that at times I can be brutally honest. On one hand I love to see the best in everyone. But on the other, I prefer not to overlook the reality of the situation. I like to keep the peace, but I don't like to sugar coat it. What is, is. What will be, will be. I believe in truth and its ability to empower. This is my life- simple, nothing special, but everything real, as life should be.